Force on Force
Force on Force provides an in-depth training experience focused on the development of handgun skills, new techniques, concepts, and defensive shooting strategies.
The ever-important principles to close quarter defense is only developed in training.Our training will help you to improve your determination and attitude, as well as teach you to never assume.
You will learn to always verify, control distance, move and act deliberately, while remembering the basics of combat.
With our high-level training, you will be prepared to handle any situation that arises.

Drilling is the Way to Improvement
Force on Force 1
This Force on Force 1 course will entail having to engage all of the prior skills that you have learned and now have to engage Targets and Human Attackers and Make the Life Threatening Decision to either shoot or be severely injured or killed.
You will have the ability to Engage your Gun with Speed, Accuracy, and Confidence at Targets & Human Attackers!
The course is designed to get you used to Handling and Shooting a pistol under duress. This course will help you calm your nerves and channel your energy. The bad guys don't care who you are, their just coming to get you.
Let's Get You Out of Your Comfort Zone!

Our Gun Force on Force course is the perfect choice for those looking to improve their defensive shooting skills. Our realistic scenarios are as close to real-world encounters as possible. You'll be faced with an aggressor wielding a knife, gun or a stick, and you'll need to respond quickly and accurately with your firearm in order to survive. We use 9mm simunitions to ensure a safe and realistic experience, allowing you to build reflexes and hone your defensive shooting skills.

or Accuracy
What's More Important at a Close Combat Range... Speed or Accuracy.
Most statistics say that deadly confrontation happens inside of 3 feet with a maximum of 3 rounds within 3 sec. time frame.
How about if the attacker is 7 feet away and closes the distance on you with 2 steps are you prepared to deal? What if there is more than one Bad Guy and they both approach you and close that 3-foot distance can you Deal with that situation?
How about if you're walking to your vehicle and you get ambushed do you know how to use your tools and your vehicle to get out alive? The Key to the question of Speed vs Accuracy, is one of greater understanding of your Tools, Environment, Handling Skill-Set, and Scenario.
This coursework is about Creating and Developing this Greater Understanding! We will Demonstrate and Drill with you on efficient ways to accomplish these tasks for Survival when life or limb is on the line. You will learn to Never Assume and Always Verify, Control Distance, Move and Act Deliberately, and Remember the basics of Combat and the Principles of Close Quarter Defense.
We look forward to seeing you Learn and Improve through Training.
Let Us Get You Out of Your Comfort Zone!
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The next course is on September 16th, 2023!
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